Trip Report for July 24, 2006

Date: July 24, 2006

Location: North Fork Meadows private fly fishing on the South Platte Call 303-325-5515 for availability.

Number of Anglers: 3 Fly Fishing Lesson

Guide: Tad Howard

Weather: Very nice, sunny morning.  Late afternoon showers; able to fish around them.  Great day to be out!

Stream Condition: Water temps around 54 degrees.  Visibility very good.

When landing fish because they are too big is the biggest obstacle, there are much worse problems to have.  The water is clear and although still high for this time of year,but is dropping steadily.  The fish have been enjoying the higher water conditions and have been eating well and are looking very healthy.   Since the water has been higher it seems like the large 20+ inchers have been eating very well but landing a 3-5 pound trout in higher water can test the limits of seasoned pro’s.

Our anglers hooked countless trout but as big fish often do many slipped away before coming all the way to the net.  Everyone still managed to land several very respectable trout!  Most of the fish that came to the net were rainbows with a couple cut-bows and brown trout mixed in.

As the river flows continues to decrease the fishing should continue to improve especially as we get into prime dry fly season!