2007 New York fly fishing for big lake run trout
Big brown trout New York State lake run monster trout picture.
This big male brown trout has great spawning color and ate a wet fly.
Will with a huge hook jawed male brown trout from a Lake Ontario tributary
All the big brown trout on this page were caught fly fishing on the same day in New York
Big silver female king salmon caught fly fishing in NY
This was the first double of the day that we caught with the camera two great male brown trout
Another big male brown trout picture
This was another double a few minutes later on 2 more monster browns
This was another beautiful big brown trout photo
Notice the different colors and spots on some of these big pre-spawn male brown trout
This was the only female brown trout caught on this day.
Great brown trout double with a couple monster male brown trout fly fishing photos
This big brown has some impressive measurements when we taped him
Another monster brown trout double in the fall
Guide Chris Eisenhard with a huge male brown trout
A nice close up of one of the brown trout doubles
This big New York brown trout was one king of his pool
Another great looking male brown trout in spawning colors caught fly fishing New York
Double while fly fishing Lake Erie steelhead
Another lake run rainbow trout fly fishing an Erie tributary
Back to day 1 pics. This monster male brown trout had such good color he looked like a swimming pumpkin! Caught on a wet fly.
Another brown trout fresh from the lake.
This big brown trout has some teeth!
Another big brown trout that could not resist a well placed fly.
Last pic–check out all the steelhead stacked up behind the fish we are landing.