Fall 2006-Big Steelhead and Brown Trout from Western New York
Martha Palotti with a western New York Steelhead hungry for eggs. Check out the Lamprey eel scar in this photo.
Great color on this male great lakes steelhead, caught on an otter egg.
30.5 inch Lake Ontario brown trout picture, caught while fly fishing western New York.
Chrome NY steelhead in a small stream.
Jeremy Palotti and Tad Howard with a group effort on this big New York Steelhead.
Fly fishing for big fresh run steelhead in November.
Martha with a nice brown trout photo caught fly fishing New York’s Sandy Creek.
Fly fishing big lake run steelhead from the great lakes.
Great fall color on this brown trout picture from a Lake Ontario tributary.
Fly fishing for New York Steelhead. Nice close up picture.
Fighting a steelhead in a tight spot.
Colorado guide Chris Eisenhard with a nice great lake steelhead picture.
Hooked up with a lake run King Salmon fly fishing New York.
Fly fishing for lake run brown trout in New York.
Chris with a late run king salmon photo. Caught fly fishing NY.
Picture of a steelhead in shallow water hooked while fly fishing a Lake Ontario tributary.
Jeremy Palotti with a beautiful; big male fall steelhead.
Nice steelhead photo.
Beautiful color on this big fall brown trout. The great lakes offer some great fly fishing.
Same steelhead as pictured above. Fly fishing big fall trout.
Big New York male brown trout fly fishing in the fall.
New York big fall brown trout picture from the great lakes.
First steelhead for Martha who is now hooked on Fly Fishing.
Fresh Steelhead straight out of Lake Ontario.
Colorado guide Tad Howard with a nice steelhead trout fly fishing in New York.
Great fall male brown trout picture.
Great looking big steelhead picture please practice catch and release..